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미국 초대 재무부장관,알렉산더 밀턴

by exdus3156 2024. 12. 17.
Men give me credit for some genius.
All the genius I have lies in this;
when I have a subject in hand, I study it profoundly.
Day and night it is before me.
My mind becomes pervaded with it.
Then the effort that I have made is what people are pleased to call the fruit of genius.
It is the fruit of labor and thought.

사람들은 나를 천재라 부른다. 
모든 천재에 대한 내 생각은 다음과 같다. 
어떠한 사안을 다루어야 할 때면 이를 깊게 공부한다. 
낮이고 밤이고 쉴새 없이. 
머릿속이 그 주제로 가득 차는 것이다. 
그 다음에야 사람들이 천재성의 결과물이라며 감탄하는 결과물을 내놓는다. 
이는 노력과 사고의 결실이다.